Value determination / profitability calculation
In this step, we determine the current value of your property, by our standards. It is important to do this realistically and not build air castles. This way, you can make a good profitability estimation based on your fixed costs. How do we determine the value denk aan link!?
Interested parties are registered by email. If they conform to the required profile, we plan a viewing. We ensure that the possible tenant has definitely already seen the virtual tour so that the chance of success is greater and that we need to bother an existing tenant is reduced.
Tenant check / credit rating
A tenant that does not pay is a nightmare for every owner. The chance is small, but we must be ready for it nonetheless. We do this by working together with This way, we can carry out an extensive credit check and also quickly start a debit process.
Drawing up the contract
Regardless of the agreements made in your contract, tenants are protected by Dutch legislation. We make use of contracts from Pararius, which are corrected for the latest changes in legislation.
Transfer and intake
After signing the contract, we will ensure a good transfer and comprehensive intake of the new tenant. We have developed a photo tool with which we can share the pictures we make during the intake with both tenant and owner. This way, everyone knows precisely and in detail how the property looked during the intake.
Financial and technical management
For 4% per month (excl. VAT), we collect the rent and serve the contact point for the tenant in case of technical malfunctions. We will also gladly draw up a new contract for free upon extension of the rental.